Forum guidelines

railML Forum is a dynamic platform for collaborative discussion, exchange of ideas and collective problem-solving, which contributes to driving railML innovation. It is your go-to platform for connecting, learning and collaborating with other railML users across various subschemas, including Interlocking (IL), Infrastructure (IS), Timetable (TT), Rollingstock (RS), Ontology and common data queries.

Forum Structure

railML Forum is organised into the following dedicated domains to aid focussed discussion:

Infrastructure (IS): Explore topics concerning infrastructure management within the railML framework.

Interlocking (IL): Explore and discuss issues related to rail interlocking and signalling systems.

Ontology and Common Questions: Seek and provide answers to common queries related to railML implementation and railML ontology such as data validation and standardisation.

Rolling Stock (RS): Discuss matters involving rolling stock, including design, maintenance, and interoperability.

Timetable (TT): Discuss and share insights on rail timetabling, scheduling and associated challenges.

RailTopoModel (RTM): Explore and contribute to discussions on rail topological models.

Forum Access and Contribution

To ensure discussions remain relevant and focussed, anybody wishing to comment within the forum must first have their credentials approved by To obtain access to comment within the railML Forum, please follow these steps:

  • Register on the railML website.
  • Send an e-mail to Organisational Team requesting approval for commenting privileges (‘write access’)
  • Upon gaining ‘write access’, you will receive an automatic e-mail stating that your commenting access has been activated and you are now able to contribute to the discussions.
  • Once approved, log in to our website and go to the railML forum. Please introduce yourself in your first post, providing a brief summary of your technical background and your experience/use of railML. This helps others get to know and understand your perspective.
  • At the end of each post, please include your name and your company’s name, address and website.
  • Follow community guidelines and promote respectful communication to maintain a positive and collaborative environment.

If you have any questions about the guidelines, please contact We look forward to you joining us on railML Forum to drive railML innovation through our collaboration!