Version timeline

History and Short-Term Version Timeline

In the following chart all release dates of past, current and some future railML® versions are listed:

Version Release date Supported until License Comment
0.x 2002-2005 December 2005 no (internal usage only) Beta version timetable
1.0 December 2005 June 2013 proprietary First practical experience
1.1 November 2007 June 2013 proprietary  
2.0 November 2nd, 2009 March, 2017 restricted CC-BY-ND 2.0  
2.1 June 15th, 2011 March, 2017 restricted CC-BY-ND 2.0 Downwardly compatible with V2.0
2.2 June 11th, 2013 June 30st, 2021 restricted CC-BY-NC-ND 3.0 Downwardly compatible with V2.1-V2.0
2.3 March 10th, 2016 June 30st, 2024 restricted CC-BY-NC-ND 3.0 Predominant downward compatible with V2.2-V2.0
2.4 October 7th, 2018 November, 2026 restricted CC-BY-NC-ND 3.0 Predominant downward compatible with V2.3-V2.0
2.5 September 1st, 2021 ≥2028 restricted CC-BY-NC-ND 3.0 Predominant downward compatible with V2.4-V2.0 
Also adopted as an ISO 4398:2022 standard
3.0 October 31st, 2017 February 19th, 2019 No (internal usage only) all Beta and RC versions only; based on RTM V1.1
3.1 February 19th, 2019 ≥2026 restricted CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 based on RailTopoModel V1.2
3.2 April 26nd, 2022 ≥2029 restricted CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 based on RailTopoModel V1.4
3.3 Alpha
June 6th, 2024 August 14th, 2024 No (working group usage only) based on RailTopoModel V1.5
3.3 Beta August 14th, 2024 Release of 3.3 No (community test usage only) based on RailTopoModel V1.5
3.3 November 5th, 2024 ≥2031 restricted CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 based on RailTopoModel V1.5
3.4 ≥ 2025   restricted CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0  

Important: Announcements about the discontinuation of support for a version will be announced at least 24 months in advance.

Last update: June 30th, 2024 by Vasco Paul Kolmorgen (Discontinuation of 2.3; schedule for 3.3 Beta; see presentations of 45th railML conference for more background information)


Long-Term Version Timeline

In order to offer a more holistic, long-term planning, this long-term version timeline was created. Its purpose is to give an overview over all upcoming versions, but please notice that it is subject to change.

railML versions (updated June 2024)

Please click on the image for a larger version or use the download.

Feel free to contact for further explanations, questions and remarks at any time.