railVIVID: The railML Viewer & Validator

railVIVID® is the railML® validation and viewer tool.The initial alpha version of this tool was presented by TU Dresden and railML.org at the 4th UIC RailTopoModel Conference in Paris on April 29, 2015.

railVIVID is the product of a project following the UIC's call for proposals in November 2014, which was financed by several European railway infrastructure managers. TU Dresden and the Institute of Traffic Telematics won this call and started initial development of the railVIVID tool. railVIVID will be handed over to the railML community for further development.


With railVIVID you have the full control over your railML files: You can visualize the infrastructure, the timetable and the rollingstock elements included in the railML file even without fully understanding the XML and railML syntax. The integrated railVIVID validator allows you to check the railML file regarding the correctness of syntax as well as several semantic aspects. Thus, railVIVID gives you all the convenience necessary for successful interaction with the railML import and export interfaces of your software.

railVIVID contains:

  • Graphic viewer for Timetable data
  • Tabular viewer for Timetable data with spreadsheet export
  • Rolling Stock data viewer
  • Topologic Viewer for Infrastructure data
  • Geographic Viewer for Infrastructure data
  • Schema Validator for railML
  • Software in English and other partner's languages

If you have any questions, implementation ideas or want to take part in discussions about railVIVID, contact us.

New version Spring 2024

A new version of railVIVID with some improvements and a restart of the development is available since Autumn 2022. The new features are:

  • railML data validator
    • Semantic validation of railML 2.5 for listed constraints:
      • TT:001 (ticket #261) <TT:timetablePeriod>
      • TT:018 (ticket #261) <TT:specialService>
      • CO:002 (ticket #261)
        • <TT:operatingPeriodRef>
        • <TT:operatingPeriod>
        • <TT:circulation>
        • <TT:blockPart>
        • <CO:phase>
      • TT:019 (ticket #261) <TT:operatingDay>
      • RS:001 (ticket #261) <RS:designator>
      • RS:002 (ticket #261) <RS:operator>
      • RS:003 (ticket #261) <RS:owner>
      • RS:004 (ticket #261) <RS:state>
      • IS:020 and IS:021 (ticket #261) <IS:state>
      • CO:001 (ticket #261)
        • <IS:designator>
        • <CO:designator>
        • TT:002 (ticket #259)
        • TT:003 (ticket #262)
        • TT:004 (ticket #260)
        • TT:005 (ticket #263)
        • TT:006 (ticket #264)
        • TT:009 (ticket #265)
        • TT:012 (ticket #266)
        • TT:014 (ticket #267)
        • IS:019 (ticket #268)
    • Alpha Versions of railML 3.3 are not supported
  • Timetable data viewer
    • Export to Excel has been corrected (ticket #257)
  • Infrastructure data viewer
    • Real life maps are still not present within geographic viewer
  • Rolling stock data viewer
    • no changes
  • General views and handling
    • railML version can be identified without being explicitly written in the header of the file (ticket #258)
    • Please note: The visualization for railML 3.x is still unavailable.

If requested by the community a restart of the help texts by the railVIVID wiki and the railVIVID forum is possible too. Please contact railML.org to address the demands.


To download railVIVID's official version and source code for personal use, you must agree to the provided license conditions, available here.

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