need for new element stopingActivity time [message #1961] |
Fri, 14 September 2018 10:54 |
Torben Brand
Messages: 165 Registered: March 2016
Senior Member |
The Norwegian sector has a last request to fill a need for a new element in railML2.4.
Would this be possible to add in railML2.4? If not we need to make an extension for the Norwegian sector.
But as we probably will find further needs later with a subsequent need for an extension, this is not a problem.
New element <stopActivities>
For timetable planning purposes we need to know the minimal technical times for the following stopActivities (I'm using values from the new railML2.4 TT:stopActtivity list for common compliance; The list might become longer in the future...
• join: collect motor unit Stärken/Vereinigen
Couple vehicles / train parts - intended for self-propelling train parts. Please consider relation to formations (as far as used)
Vereinigen von Zugteilen vorgesehen für selbstfahrende Zugteile. Zusammenhang zur konkreten Formation beachten (sofern verwendet)
• split: drop motor unit Schwächen/Trennen
Uncouple vehicles / train parts - intended for self-propelling train parts. Please consider relation to formations (as far as used)
Trennen („Flügeln") von Zugteilen vorgesehen für selbstfahrende Zugteile. Zusammenhang zur konkreten Formation beachten (sofern verwendet)
• reverse: Richtungswechsel
Stop to change driving direction of train. Consider relation to @formationReversed
Halt zum Fahrtrichtungswechsel des Zuges. Zusammenhang beachten zu @formationReversed
As mentioned we need the technical times. Not the complete operational. So for a "reverse" the time duration would be from stand still of the train over shut down the drivers cabin for the initial train driver to the time a second train driver in the opposite drivers cabin has initiated the train and is ready for departure. Normal the train driver would walk to the other drivers cabin, but this would be considered an operational time. As the times are technical I suggest to place the element under <vehicle>.
We might consider to add also other variants of the times as well like combinations of "operational" and "maximum" and "average" .
So a possible implementation would look something like this:
@type=reverse,...(list from TT:StopActivity)
@time=xs:duration (usually in seconds)
@scope="technical", "operational"
@range="minmum","maximum", "average", "median"
@state="planned", "scheduled", "calculated", "measured"
I am a bit uncertain about the correct terms here.
Instead of using @scope="operational" the element could be duplicated under <formation>.
For the time we can skip the attributes @scope, @range @state as we only use the values @scope=technical @range=minimum and @state=planned.
If not implemented the norwegian sector will make the extention:
@type=reverse,...(list from TT:StopActivity)
@time=xs:duration (usually in seconds)
[Updated on: Fri, 14 September 2018 10:59] Report message to a moderator